We Bring Leading Brands & Sales Professionals Together To Create Knowledgeable Point Of Sale Conversations
Consolidate your product information into a managed private Brand Community
Knowledge management for sales associates and industry professionals
Engage Your Employees
Product knowledge is critical to remain competitive
Transform your organization into a more influencial, productive work environment by introducing product knowledge information and interactivity into your employees’ everyday experience. With Resourceworx, you can create a social business ecosystem that enables social learning, ongoing communication, collaboration, knowledge sharing, peer support and more.
Engage Your Customers
Productivity and performance are essential components to a well run organization
Employees that are trained, supported, and empowered improve the overall performance of the organization.
Customers that are engaged, supported, and listened to become assets and ambassadors of your organization.
Resourceworx provides a broad range of collaboration features along with rich learning management and performance technologies—to build an efficient, focused, and engaged organization encompassing BOTH your employees and customers.
Resourceworx is driven by the convergence of technology and learning.
Technology surrounds us. Its part of our everyday lives.
We embrace technology, where it can take us and the possibilities it can create for our customers.
Our goal is simple:
To provide the best services and technology available and create great content that informs and engages learners.
We are the specialists in the field bringing innovation to the companies we represent.
We believe a well informed salesperson is the greatest asset any company can have. They are ambassadors of the organization they work for, the products they sell and the manufacturers they represent.
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